A Book Of Instructions

Grapefruit A book of instructions and drawings. Follow 3

Prompt: Pieces from an Orchestra No. 4 Tear No. 5 Touch No. 6 Rub

‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” – Newtons 3rd law. That is what I gathered from these instructions. Every touch, every brush of a sleeve has a cause and an effect on our surroundings. What caused the tire to end up there? A Crash? Was it left behind? What ever the reason it is there now giving shelter to who knows what.

Prompt: Wind talk The age of the wind is: A billion years older than the Empire State Building Three hundred years older than the Alps A day younger than the sea A day older than Christ Two months younger than your daughter Starting five months after your death

The branch falls from a tree dying and yet their life cycle isn’t over. Just like the instructions ‘Three hundred years older than the Alps’ and yet ‘Two months younger than your daughter’. Their life may have temporarily been in the form of the tree however their life now gives energy and sustenance to the moss. So it it old and yet still so very young.

Prompt: Yellow Talk C. All the colours have yellow in it.

A leaf, like everything, changes. They change colour, they change size they change shape. However there is aways something that remains, is a constant, underlying. for a leaf that would be the colour yellow. Dead or alive it is always there just sometimes a little harder to see than others.

One Reply to “A Book Of Instructions”

  1. Great responses to those provocations. Your thinking around the instructions is really clean. Try to push the visual a little more though – how can the image not the subject matter carry your ideas?

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