People, Places and Pronouns

Prompt: Take a piece of text, select a method of word choice, mark the word in some fashion and connect them all in a method of your choosing

All The Young Men by Ruth Burks was the text I chose for this exercise. It is about a woman in 1986 who stays with young men in their final moments whilst fighting AIDS. The reason I chose people, places and pronouns to be my words of choice is to show all of these people and places are connected by more than what we can see. When we take action and stand up for something that we believe in not matter the size of the action it effects more than we know.

I overlaid a blank piece of paper on top of the text and noted all of the dots. To connect them I started from the bottom most point placed a ruler on the page, turned the page clockwise until the ruler linked up with another dot. Then drew a line connecting them and continued this pattern, ignoring the dots that had already been linked, until either there was no dots left to link or I had reached the starter dot and completed the shape.

I chose this method of linking to show how all the people and places are connected. sometimes effecting larger groups and sometimes just a few.

One Reply to “People, Places and Pronouns”

  1. Nice thinking behind your process Sarah, If you get a chance to do some more over the weekend think about how different weights – lines and dots might change the work. Have a look around some other people’s work there are a few good examples of this.

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