
What does it mean to be a detective? To me, it’s not simply to investigate and discover, but more to see past a beyond what is there, to suppose and detect what may be suggested or hinted at, with deeper understanding.

I Decided to go out at night (on quite a spontaneous whim, i was already in bed all warm at 12.03) because of how LITTLE we can really see. Even though im using quite a weak camera (iphone 7..) there is a small exposure feature, and using this i was able to discern how much like was coming into the lense, i found it interesting that just with this little adjustment the photo could be so much more suggestive, a moving cars headlights, illuminating a spot where seconds before lay a complex shadow, or a sign post that has its shadow merge seemingly into a handful more

I really liked going out after dark and observing, the shadows cast were what really pulled my eye, sometimes seemingly nonsensical, forever mysterious. They gave me a deeper appreciation for the objects, buildings and other surroundings i was strolling through.

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