from heaven

On the first day of face to face class, we were sent on our way to continue the discovery part of this brief. This was easier, as the aut campus itself is not an area i’m familiar with. Thus, I had a lot more fun strolling around and observing.

Drawn the most to the natural (perhaps) marks on the street, I started to focus on them. I wonder what cause these marks, how long they’ve been here, and if anyone else notices?

Leant up against a wall, I sketched one out, focusing on the line and journey of each crack. Doing this helped me appreciate so much more the intricacy of the shapes, and that of course, no human could plan something so fluid.

Using Pencil, Frottage, and Ink, I captured the essence as best I could, to try and give the illusion of a real, shattering mark of the world.
Afterwards, I used collage to bring this together and tie it in to my fascination with ripped posters,
And text, to give a little bit of humour, and context.

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