By Implication- After Atapō ( March 9th)

Today we learnt about lines, planes, space and implied concepts. With this new knowledge, we went and visited the Mata aho Collective and Maureen Lander, Atapō(2020) at the Auckland Art Gallery.

Mata Aho Collective & Maureen Lander, Atapō, 2020

When I first looked at the large black mass, I was not sure what I was looking at…it was like looking at a vast void. This inclined my curiosity. I was eager to go closer to and take a better look and understanding of this large piece of work. As I came nearer, only did I realise the sheer scale. I felt like I was getting sucked into a black hole.

After looking all around the sculpture, I was able to identify how it was created. The sculpture is created with black sheets of mesh that are layered and hung diagonally. Hanging the mesh diagonally affects the very thin and transparent mesh to look like a heavy and dense mass. In the lower and top parts of the mesh, diamonds are cut out of the mesh, scaling down in size on each individual layer. Therefore creating the illusion of depth as the negative space allows light to travel through seamlessly, and form a space in the centre. Whereas, the black layered mesh do not; it traps light and creates the illusion that is it a dense black mass.

In regards to our brief, A weight off your mind, It’s really intriguing to see how Maureen Lander used techniques to manipulate the weight and mass of 2D planes. This will benefit me in the future as I have a larger understanding of how different mediums can work together to change, define or manipulate the weight, mass or volume of materials.

Other Works

Work by Lonnie Hutchinson

I like this work because of how detailed it was. The paper has all sorts of different shapes and the paper sticks out in some parts, creating the 2D paper to become 3D. As I examined the work I discovered that there are also little faeries among the leave cutout- I detail that I really enjoyed. This work is challenging because it is busy but not crowded, somehow sitting in that fine line. Another part that is challenging to me is the contrast of using negative space and that paper to create a design that holds together as well as the fragility pop-out. It is an amazing piece of work to stare and admire the complexities and details.

This piece is something that i found really challenging. It used light and different coloured tiles to create coloured diamonds. And inside of the work is red diamond in the centre, like a heart inside the vessel. It’s challenging to me because I would never have thought to use different coloured planes to create a vessel as well as to shine light into it to illuminate a red diamond. I thought it was really cool to have the red diamond in the inside, like something precious.

One Reply to “By Implication- After Atapō ( March 9th)”

  1. Looking back it feels like you have made a lot of progress – make sure you keep your blog up to date as reflecting on your work will help you develop your work.

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