Week 1&2

Over the past two weeks, I have been working to complete a series of artworks follow a brief. The brief is called palimpsest this requires creating artworks that respond to each other using found materials, images and artworks. “A palimpsest is something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form. “

I started my artworks while I was at home in Tauranga. I found a few old art history books that contained text and a range of images. By taking pages from the books and layering then with images from a map of Europe that I found in my house, the map created a very bright and whimsical layer. I took advantage of this and blurred out the map lines with my photocopier, leaving behind a colourful image. After receiving feedback from my peers it was clear to me that I need to expand the size of my works and allow the works to grow in size. This will also allow me to broaden my ideas and not be limited to an A4 page.

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