Palimpsest Wk 2 Pt 2; Stamping

This week we were able to work in the printmaking labs for a day to learn the techniques of creating. My print works will be complete for sharing next week, but this week I was inspired by the process and used a stamping technique to print onto my work. I liked the idea of work spilling over the edges of its confines so I layered a smaller page onto my larger sketchbook paper for this piece.

I really liked the way the work doesn’t stay within the confines of the smaller canvas, I look forward to experimenting with this more.

I initially painted the edges of a wood slice to print the bark texture. I was surprised by the result and a little disappointed by how little detail printed, however I decided to continue with the piece and trust the process. I initially transfered wavy patterns onto the paper with carbon paper before painting one side of the wood and stamping it onto the work so the texture of the wood rings would be seen. I believe there is still potential in the use of bark and will experiment with new forms of stamping it next week.

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