Week 3 -Where to next?

This week I was working in the printmaking room, I made two monoprints. I knew that they would not be finished works but I was able to use them as a starting point for my next steps.

I knew that I needed to go bigger to allow my work to expand, I took photocopies of my mao and collaged them on a piece of A3 paper. I then layered Indian ink on top following that same pattern as a pervious work of mine. I next attempted to layer a monoprint over it, this was a fail, I found my self stuck with botched work.

After talking to Ryder, he suggested that I use white acrylic paint to make the pattern I had hoped for with the monoprint. I ended up with a tv static type of patterns and I was happy with the end result.

As for where to go next, I plan to isolate a bit of the work to see where I can go from there. A struggle I have found in the past weeks would be not planning out my works and just letting them come naturally and creatively. I am learning to not control what happens next.

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