Nostalgia and Dreams

For this project I pulled old toys out of the garage. I got to work when the sun started to set, my backdrop set up outside. My idea was to capture the chaos of playing as it is remembered. This involved movement, lighting, and blur.

When I took these photos I wanted to introduce the subject matter as if you were remembering it. The objects are backlight and hazy and it might be hard to figure out what they are. The House is the focus of the project and I filled it up with all the objects so it looked chaotic and messy.

Photo of hand through window

This photo attempted to show play in motion, but ended up being creepy and off-putting. Memories can often come to us in dreams, and sometimes those dreams distort and horror-ise regularly normal objects and actions.

Framing Memories #2

Movement and residual memories

Through long exposure and fast movement I got this series of shots. As the objects were moved they left a residual image that looks like its fading from existence. This is reminiscent of memories fading or distorting through misremembering.

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