Entopic Graphomania

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

Entopic Graphomania is a drawing method in which a set of rules and logic are used to apply dots, which are joined together using lines. In Figure 1 above, I used the method of circling names of people and places to create points on the page of an old book. At first I connected the circles together with a total of three lines. However, dissatisfied with the outcome, I increased the number of lines until I had created a web like image.

Figure 2 resulted from me tracing the dots of the Entopic Graphomania from figure 1. From there, as shown in figure 3, I used the new rule of dotting every word that started with ‘e’. From there, I proceeded to connect the new dots with the traced dots from figure 1. This created a more complex web of lines that created a sense of depth.

This task helped me to understand how rules and logic determined by elements in the materials, can be used as a method of creating art. This allows the materials to evolve in a calculated way.

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