Substitution, Displacement.

I am focusing on the patern of weaving, souly focused on indiginous themes and incorprating distinctive ideas that are clearly linked to the Maori culture.

Harakeke flowers

making the theme of Maori influence more obvious, I wanted to incorporate harakeke (flax) pattern and shaping it into a flower. i previously wanted to make my own harakeke flower as it is a skil my tipuna kuia (grandmother) tought me but due to time i was unable to do so.

My idea to sew and fill a pillow with fastcrete with someone ‘sleeping’ on top originated from the thought of being comfortable with the uncomfortable and staying there. through my mistakes I gained a better understanding of how to use fastcrete, which helped me make more sculptures that tie into the weaving theme.

i filled a weaved basket to highlight the pattern, with the end result below, not exacly what I was looking for, but necessary for the final product.

The final product, would change one thing, the plastic that I used took over the pttern and not fully what I intended overall I love the pattern and im happy with the result.

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