Final Reflection

Now that the Palimpsest brief is coming to the end here is my final reflection on thought on this brief.

An aspect of the making process that excited me was experimenting with the things you can do with the photocopier, I would have never thought to copy images on top of each other but I loved the way it turned out. I also never thought that I could make artwork using just printers and found matter.

If I had more time I would have further expanded my ideas of the creases in the artworks and possibly experimented with how I could have taken this further, and where I would have ended up.

a struggle that I came across was my habit of planning and knowing what my final outcome will be. However with the end in sight, I know that I need to focus on quality over quantity, and after talking to Luca about my latest work we decided to make it more of a chessboard pattern.

In the end, I only had two works on display, I had layered on top of another as a way to break up the intense patterns without taking away from the work as a whole

One Reply to “Final Reflection”

  1. Kia ora Isabella,
    It is wonderful to see you take risks and be explorative in your making. It is great to see you explore the potential in the media and process to develop ideas. There is a clear sense of development in this work which has help you resolve the work. This is a great start to art school!
    Things to work on next: update your blog more regularly – including photos of your art work with each blog entry. Also you didn’t post any research – Use the essence of the VAT1 artist whakapapa weekly in your studio practice – research artists and artworks of interest and go to galleries and ask lots of questions of the artworks your encounter. Try to critically engage more with the work of other artists. This will inform your practice and help your work to develop.

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