Palimpsest – Exhibition


The selection of works I presented for the exhibition on Thursday was my green, Aurora Borealis inspired series.

Final selection of works for the exhibition

I honestly never expected that this would be my final product at the end of this brief. At the start of this brief, I failed a lot. I didn’t know what I was doing. As someone who always thoroughly plans their artworks, it was very hard for me to let go of this process. I tried my best to try to not think too hard about it and just keep going. Because I’m primarily a traditional artist, all the methods and processes I tried out for this brief were extremely new to me. I really had to step out of my comfort zone and just let things happen. As I created more works, I was able to let go and create works without thoroughly planning them.


During the first-half, I really didn’t like what I was doing but I didn’t know what else to do. As I kept going, I grew to enjoy it. This brief made me rethink what qualifies as “good” or “real” art.

I made an effort to not try to plan or overthink. Half-way through, I realised I could still move into the direction that I wanted to. In the end, I really liked the final works I presented. I could have never thought that I’d go from outlining and scanning maps to creating aurora-like imagery on sticker paper. Everything I did in this brief was something new for me.

Who would have thought that I’d go from this map to this abstract, green final work that’s at least 15x smaller? They’re similar in the way that they’re both one image that’s split up into rectangles but they’re completely different in every other aspect.

I didn’t think I was capable of making the works I’ve created for this brief. I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone, even if it was only a little bit. I still have a lot of room to improve. I regret that I didn’t try more methods and processes for my works. But I tried my best. Hopefully in the future I can step out of my comfort zone more.

One Reply to “Palimpsest – Exhibition”

  1. WOW Jasleen ! What a great and honest reflection, I smiled when i read it !It is wonderful to see you taking risks and being explorative in your making. It seems to me like this really payed off. The final works come across as confident ways of making marks in unlikely ways. What processes did you use to achieve this? I know we spent time on the photocopier… And the green bleed of the pen in the early map works seems to carry through to end… nice work, bring this energy to the next phase of visual arts !


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