Studio Open day & Reflection

25/03/21 Studio Open day

The works I chose to include in the studio open day were pieces that presented core ideas or successful developments that were inclusive of many techniques and focuses.

What aspects of the making processes particularly excited you and why?

Creating work around a brief that is sculpture/ 3D focused was fairly new to me, though forced a new thought processes to occur when creating art work. I was thoroughly excited for the new materials introduced to me such as plaster and wire sculptures alongside the resources available to execute our visions. Keeping in mindfulness of weight, it was fascinating the way each material required to be treated.

How did your work engage with the briefs focus?

My concepts for this brief stemmed from spirituality, more concisely, energies and vibrations. The clay sculptures are a clear presentation of this, using the clay while mouldable to twist and turn and loop together, creating a smooth flow amongst the sculpture, though when dry, is a lot heavier that when wet; this ties into playing with the weight of a sculpture. With use of colour I was able to encourage my concepts and ideas. Through use of colour and clay I was able to manipulate how your mind perceives the weight of each sculpture.

How might have you developed this body of work further if you had more time

If more time was available for this brief I would have scaled up on size, allowing for more intricate work and a larger piece that could depict more concepts and ideas.

What was difficult and how did you overcome this?

It was difficult at first to approach a brief that is 3D as previous planning wasn’t quite necessary, therefore it was always a case of jumping into creating more and more. In overcoming this I ditched the planning and would be continuously making, especially with clay and plaster.

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