Reflection on my artworks

In this brief we explored Visual language by using Plaster, Cement and other elements. For me the process of using Plaster and creating Sculptures was a new experience.

It was a fun project but also confusing and challenging as at the beginning I didn’t have any idea what we where doing and what was the point of this project so I started creating Sculptures and to explore different ideas

If I had more time I would have develop one or two of my ideas and try to make a connection and more similarity between my artworks instead of jumping from one idea to another.

One Reply to “Reflection on my artworks”

  1. Hi Amina – it’s good to see this reflection on your work for this brief. At times you seemed to struggle with the ideas being presented and, as you note, found it hard to find a point of entry to support in-depth engagement with the project. Perhaps, as a result, the amount of work made was limited. Even when you are unsure about your ideas trust in your art-making practice to help you. You will also find it helpful to engage more with other artists’ work. Many artists were shown to you during eh protect but there is no evidence of you reflecting on their work. Similarly don’t forget that reflection on your own work is key to developing successful outcomes. Try to build this into your studio practice in the next brief

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