Grapefruit instruction, Graphite pencil, 3/03/21

This drawing was inspired by the ‘voice piece for soprano’
1. Against the wind.
2. Against the wall.
3. Against the sky.”
The idea of this drawing is that while the person may not be physically screaming, they feel that same frustration internally that would lead you to scream.
This drawing was in response to ‘tape piece I’
“Stone piece
Take the sound of the stone aging”
You might want to say it’s just a silly comic, and you’d be mostly right on that, but to me when I read “take the sound of the stone aging” this was the first thing that popped into my head. If you’ve ever been reminded that you’re getting older I’m sure you can relate to this even if it’s a bit silly, I couldn’t imagine how a rock would feel on it’s 100 millionth birthday.

This was a fun exercise that forced me to think outside the box a lot more than I usually would, and it was quite a challenge to create art in response to the instructions in the Grapefruit book. All the instructions were very abstract and any attempt to decipher them felt futile, they were less like instructions and more like ramblings when you’re as high as a kite but that made for a fun challenge.

One Reply to “Grapefruit instruction, Graphite pencil, 3/03/21”

  1. Hey Joshua – sad to see so few posts here after you made some interesting work in the studio. Try to get it uploaded as we will need it for later in the year.

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