Recovering – week 4

To recover the concept of loss in fear throughout all the last images, I have tried out different filters, editing, and surfaces. My portraits meaning is to understand the loss in fear and how people can grow through it with hope and light. I have taken this photograph in Auckland city. The city is a prominent place surround by buildings and water. To recreate the feeling of being surrounded, I have used the dark filter to enclose the image. I am creating the effect of fear taking over.
I have recreated the pine hole effect with a filter on photoshop. I have done this is to recover back to the pine hole camera. The pine hole camera helps me understand the dark and lighting in images where I understood how dark and light places work to develop the idea of loss in fear. The effect makes the natural light appear as dark, and darkness appear as light.
I could also say that darkness can be manipulated into light, and light can be controlled into the dark.

In my final three photographs, I have used black and white filters to create an atmosphere of a war between light and darkness. This war can be related to someone who is battling within inside them. The first image takes you to a pathway’s location, and the path leads to two ways of light and dark. The choice affects a person’s future, and it causes a war within. The second image relates to close loving people as a beam of light. The massive spacing of the sky over the darkened town creates the concept of hope and the surroundings of loving and caring people. The loving people in people life’s like family and friends, have a massive impact on peoples growth. I have used the pine hole camera effect on my last image to manipulate light and darkness. In the picture, I have posted my self in a tree structure to show the idea of growth within. The light beaming throughout my chest shows that I’m about to break out of the loss state within has I’m growing. I’m looking up into the second image of light above me to help me with love and care.

In conclusion

The Pine hole camera making part of the process is the one I was most excited about and enjoyed because The process of creating an image through a small hole in an empty paint bucket looked interesting to me as I have never done it before and going through the darkroom to develop and pross my pine hole photographs was a wonderful experience as I learned that it takes time to create something beautiful. 

I learned that photographs have a deep meaning behind them. I researched that putting ideas like connections, emotions, relations, or global problems can send deep and meaningful messages through pictures to help people relate and connect to those messages and learn from them and grow. Knowing that helped me understand the process behind the photos and their purpose to achieve extraordinary things for the world. 

If I had more time, I would have given time to develop the growth idea through loss and fear as I didn’t get to work on the idea much. I would have worked more with the trees to show the concept of growth. In my last and final pictures, the trees have not been developed much to convince the idea of growth. Growth has been shown through the tree’s growing process, and trees are shown to relate to the people going through stuff times of loss or facing fear.

One of the issues I found to be difficult was the timing of the pine hole photographs. To get my picture looking its best, I had to time it correctly. It factors depends on the weather lighting. If the lighting is low, the photograph in the pine hole camera had to take around a minute to two minutes, and if the lighting was high, I had to leave it for about thirty seconds to a minute. I found it to be difficult as I had too many dark and light photos overtaking the image. To fix this problem, I had to practices getting the timing right, and I also paid attention to my classmates who got their timing right and asked them for help.

One Reply to “Recovering – week 4”

  1. There is a clear sense of development in this work which has helped you resolve the work with a strong photographic awareness.
    It great to see your reflection on explorations resulting in thoughtful decisions. Please adhere to deadlines, and keep your blog an active document – post weekly.

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