First half of Semester Recap

Hello, haven’t posted here in a while. A very long while. Here’s all the photos I’ve taken from the first half of the semester. We were learning about sculpture and how to use planes, as well as what they were.

This was made from a half of a V can that i filled with plaster and let set with a bit of wire in it. While the plane underneath is a bit of card board i coated in plaster and let set, then i bent it afterwards to give it a texture that looks like tree bark.
this is made from a bottle i filled with plaster, i then sliced down the side of the bottle to try get it off. But the way the bottle is flicked out of the sides made it look very interesting to me. I then filled the top of the bottle with glue to see how it would flow off of the sculpture.
This sculpture is made from wire, cardboard and foam. I cut up the cardboard and foam into squares and then fit them onto the wire, and gave the wire legs so it could stand upright. To me it gives off a look like a creature hunching over.
I made a mould out of foam for this sculpture, i then filled the mould with ribbon first then poured the plaster in. You can see the ribbon through chipped bits of plaster. Straight after the plaster was poured in i put three bits of timber in so it would work as legs to keep it upright when it had set. I then thought to use this as a base and add on to this sculpture as shown below.
As you can see, i used the previous sculpture as a base for this piece. I used bits of plaster that were thrown away in this. Such as the plate with the red swirl, which is plaster that set on the bottom of a bucket. I attached to dowel rods with plaster to the base, and then plastered the plate between the two dowel rods to hold it in place. I then plastered more recycled bits of plaster from the base and made them climb up a dowel rod to make it look like a stair case. I also plastered on to the tip of one of the dowel a sphere of timber and made a ring of wire that just sits on top of the sphere. This piece was hard to make in the fact that everything is balancing, and the tiniest push add it topple over.

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