palimpsest making part 1

After Class I went to the op shop and found some jigsaw puzzels. I want to use them because they are printed matter and they add texture through the jigsaw puzzle pieces. I really like the grids in terms of using this as a base to be printed on.
I really like this puzzle because its carnival themed. I was lucky when I opened the box there where pieces still together. So i could just use those instead of really sitting down for a long time to make a puzzel. I am Now think about using all the puzzle pieces and blending them up to make paper. as a way of making the puzzle and joining all the pieces back together.
This book that Ryder found at the bus stop.
I want to look more at the numbers as they are impersonal and I don’t really know what I would do with this persons story. I only want to copy pages of numbers and letters to create the pattern or texture that I can layer over and manipulate. I also and drawn to numbers and find them beautiful and hold lots of meaning for me so it’s more personalised for me.
I also found these sleeves at the op shop which have different layers of hearts. Which are cute and fun I am excited to play with.
This lampshade you put all the pieces together and can hang it. or place it on the ground but you will make some sort of ball shape. I want to print on these pieces of paper and put it together. Which will be useful because I have two lights in my house that need shades. I was quite dumbstruck when we had finished our work last term and it was only up for a day and then we had to take it down and I was looking at all these materials and how to incorporate them and give them a new life.
The individual pieces. They are quite sleek so I am wonder if certain inks will stick to them I am excited to try it out.

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