Week One: A Weight off Your Mind

this week I started the next brief called A weight off your mind. This week we have been working on “treading lightly with a heavy hand”. We started by following a set of instructions to create drawings. we experimented with media such as weight, mass and size.

We next read a book called ‘Grapefruit by Yoko Ono we were focusing on making actions regardless of preconceived outcomes and new possibility. I followed the instructions from three of Yoko’s poems. A struggle I came across with this task was taking the instructions too literally instead of just seeing where they take me.

On day two we looked into entopic graphomania. this is a method of drawing where you make dots following criteria or a set of rules. I made three rules to guide my dots. 1. all of the letter ‘i’s 2. all four-letter words 3. every o.

we next took a look at a computer programme as another form of linear drawing. I selected three works from my previous brief and adjusted the settings on the computer programme to make the lines and shapes all on the dark spots of my works.

On day three, I used the CV images to inspire my next 3D work. In order to take my images from 2D to 3D, I had to find a way to convey the linear lines into a sculpture. I was inspired by the work of Susan Hefuna and her sculpture City Sound. I used her as an influence when making my metalwork.

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