(2) A Weight Off Your Mind – Automatic drawings

Entopic Graphomania

Today I tried automatic drawing methods. Firstly, I tried the Entopic graphomania method. I placed tracing paper over a piece of newspaper and decided to draw a star over every letter “s” on the top half of the page. I drew lines connecting all the stars together and it reminded me of constellations. On the bottom half of the tracing paper/newspaper, I drew stars again but this time over the number 3, and with a white gel pen. I decided not to connect the stars here because I liked how it looked, especially when placed under the connected black stars.

CV Automatism

The second automatic drawing method I tried was using the CV Automatism app. I used this over my works from the previous brief (Palimpsest).

I actually had a lot of fun playing around with the app, experimenting with what kind of shapes and forms I could make. In particular, I really liked these images.

The common theme in this series of images is that they all have either star or diamond shapes that are repeated and overlapped in different angles and sizes. Because of this, these images really stood out to me as I found them the most interesting. I really enjoyed using these automatic drawing methods. I was able to let go and make drawings freely without any expectations.

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