Discover Uncover Recover week 1, part 2

Here is the three photos I’ve taken with the paint can camera. I absolutely loved doing this. I mean, I’m still not to sure on the science behind it but that’s why its so fun to me. And you can experiment with this photo taking technique in so many ways. You can change the exposure yes, but i would like to see someone moving as slowly as a snail moving in front of the camera. Or maybe ill just put a snail in front of the camera.

I wanted to include a bit of tree in my photo but also catch what’s behind the tree in the photo too. So the camera is placed behind the tree, but as if its peeking to see what’s passed it. I left the lense exposed for 3.30 secs for this photo as I didn’t think it was very light outside due to it being overcast. But its a bit dark in the photo due to a little bit to much exposure. I love the texture the tree trunk gives off though.
This is my favourite out of the 3. Due to the fact the exposure is perfect. The balance in the exposure between the darks and lights looks amazing. I can tell every detail in this photo and that’s what makes it 10x better.
In this photo I wanted to change it up a bit, so i moved the paint can camera back a little to capture a bit more. Sadly i exposed it a little to long, which i thought was strange since i left the lense exposed for 2 minutes same as the photo above which was perfect exposure. But the bark is in this photo covering the base of the tree which looks very nice with the grains of darks and whites. And another cool feature is the look of the tree. It looks as if it is translucent and you can see through it, but you can’t and i think its a very nice effect.

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