Familiar walk- Discover, Uncover, Recover

For this photoshoot, we were to walk in a place that we frequently visit. For me, this was the beach I have lived my whole life by the beach so it was fitting that I walk here. The task was for us to take photos from different perspectives. This was a refreshing task as it makes you look at such a familiar place in a new way. I find that the beach is very peaceful so I found this task to also be quite tranquil. I’m so used to there being pressure on taking photos either for them to look a certain way or for them to express a theme. With these photos, there was no pressure which I enjoyed.

The first photo is how I normally view the beach, from eye level. The second photo is of the beach from a low angle. I like how the sand at the front of the photo is out of focus it gives the photo a nice depth of field. The third photo I also took at a low angle as I found because of the flat terrain of the beach finding new perspectives was difficult. With this photo, I also wanted to experiment with reflection, by using the water I was able to reflect the clouds which completely changed the image giving it a more dramatic look. The last photo was another lower angle of the cliffs. I don’t normally look up and under the cliffs so taking this photo gave me a new perspective of this area.


When doing this task I seemed to notice more the details of the beach because I was finding new perspectives. I especially noticed this with the cliff, before this I hadn’t noticed the fine details of the lines and cracks on the cliff. This task gave me the opportunity to take my time and look closer at the detail of this familiar place which I appreciate.

An artist who inspired me with the photos was Lisette Model. Her photos look at low angles as well as a range of other perspectives. Her photos made me want to create interesting images with a low angled perspective. She also has used reflection in her images I was really inspired to try this technique out in my own images as this convention worked so well in her photos.

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