These four pieces were originally one big picture but I cut them into four sections so I could experiment collaging on four separated but connected pieces. 

The original A3 piece was a scanned and distorted image of one of my weavings. I then cut them in to 4 sections and began to collage over them. I tried to create these pieces so they would resemble stained glass windows. Having many different source materials meant I could experiment with different tones and textures. 

I purposefully ripped the pieces so I could achieve that rugged and messy look. The white that shows through from the ripping was something which I thought added some contrast within the pieces. 

I tried to achieve a constant flow of movement within all four of the pieces. Although all four of the pieces are separated they all fit together to form one coherent piece. 

I really enjoyed making these pieces because it was fun to experiment with different colours of collaging and seeing four sections come together as one 

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