This piece was constructed to further scale my collaging, which in turn also made this piece a big time consumer. I reused a distorted image of a scan and instead of removing, I added. Finding numerous colours through printed matter, I was able to experiment with different shades and how they lead onto the next colour. 

After an hour of ripping, I sorted the pieces into colours and thought about how I was going to orientate them together. After some thought I decided to try and show a transition with nature. Having the white on the right representing the sky. The brown in the middle right representing earth. The blue in the middle left shows water and lastly the green on the far right representing trees/forestry.

This thought process was very rushed and I wished I had taken more time to think about the composition. But in the end It did come out how I had pictured it, just could have had more meaning behind why I made it and my thought processes for it. 

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