Tourist Approach

For this approach, I walked around the city trying to look at it through the eyes of a tourist. One thing I remember, from personally touring different parts of the world and immigrating to New Zealand, is the difference in light depending on where you are in the world. So, I decided to focus on interesting lighting for this brief.

The lighting in this photo was very interesting to me. On the left face of the building, there is a rippled water-like lighting effect made by light shining on the AUT engineering building and casting onto the design building. On the right face there is a very bright, light creating that clear contrast between faces. Similarly, the top of the tree (right) is illuminated by the harsh light, revealing its leaves’ many shades of green.

After discussing this image with Dieneke, she mentioned how as a tourist, your sense of time is much slower and carefree as you do not have a job or places to rush off to necessarily. If I were to crop the cars out of the above photo, I would capture this idea of stillness in time.

Once again, I was captivated by the light coming through the blurred windows of a building. The rust on the paint added a sense of ageing.

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