Discover Uncover Recover week 2

This week I’ve done more pinhole photography with the paint can camera, and experimenting a bit more. Sadly being one of the people with the worst memories isn’t very helpful when it comes to this sort of thing, so I haven’t taken any photos off my pinhole photography. But i am proud of most of the results of the experiments. Luckily i have some photos from walks i have been doing, some throughout the city and some from around where i live on the coast.

While walking through the city to get to the bus stop i was in a alley and looked up to see a red pipe above my head. I like the way the pipe catches the eye because of the bright red standing out.
This was taken on my mums property. Because she lives rural there’s a lot of great nature to take photos of. I like taking photos of an angle where it looks like you’re peeking from behind something, but the tree itself looks very nice to, as it looks like it has a small ravine in it.
I’m also trying to follow an idea where it looks like I’ve shrunken down and the world is gigantic, so basically everything looks big. This is sort of an example.
Here is another close up that shows that creature like perspective.
I also saw some different species of mushrooms that looked quite interesting. Again giving that feeling that you’ve been shrunk down.
I loved the look of these flower bulbs because they remind of of something i just can’t think of it.
The theme of man made things having natural overgrowth on them like moss, vines, weeds and other plants is cool to me. It’s a nice metaphor for how nature fights back against humans.

One Reply to “Discover Uncover Recover week 2”

  1. keep challenging yourself to be explorative and experimental and congratulations on resolving a body of work related to the brief concepts. Your blog is a little inactive – try to make use of this format and post research and work several times a week.

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