Developing-New work- Discovering

whist going on the walks in the discovering part of this brief I have found myself drawn to the relationship between man-made and nature. I decided to develop this idea. I did this in two ways. The first way I created a row of buildings made out of a range of flowers and trees. In this photo, I really liked the abstract idea, it was something ive never done with my photography. I also think it nicely conveyed my idea of manmade vs natural. The second way was by using a technique called a diptych. This is where two photos are placed next to each other, usually, these photos will juxtapose each other. This is exactly what I did on one side I placed an image of a man-made structure and on the other, I put a natural form.

I found this technique worked well for what I wanted to convey. Overall I enjoyed pairing contrasting images together. I have found that with my photography I like it when my ideas contrast. This photoshoot just reinforced this idea.

An artist who inspired me was Nikita Pirogov. Nikita is a Russian artist who focuses on diptych photography. His works use this technique but in a very different way. On one side of the diptych, he has a detailed image this contrast nicely with the less detailed image that it has been placed with. I really like this contrast and when looking at my own photo wish I had done this. If I was to redo these images I would not only want the contrast between ideas but also a contrast between detail.

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