Final week

As we are coming to the end of the weight off your mind brief I am reflecting on what I have learnt and what I can do in the next few days to bring my work to an end. The most recent work I made was a piece of fabric dipped in plaster and then suspended against the wall. I was very happy with how this work turned out and especially how it did not need anything to support it. I was interested in how the work looked like it was levitating by itself and as a way to take this a step further, I went to the 3D labs and got some acrylic sheets to place under the sculpture. Now that the work looks as if it is suspended in thin air I am wondering if I can make an object to further support it, therefore it would not be leaning against the wall and be an entirely free form. I have also been looking at the work of Cy Twombly, I am interested in the textures and patterns that are on his sculptures. I was also inspired by the work of Alicja Kwade, the work I am referring to had been described as mind mending as she has bent materials that should not be able to be in the shape that they are. An article I read on her work stated that “Her work explores our perceptions and physical experiences of time, space and reality.” I am inspired by the concepts and forms that she is exploring. (please find the image below)

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