Photography: Day 1

This brief is an exciting one for me because I like the idea of being able to capture a moment in time forever. On the first day, we were told to flip a coin to let it decide if we go left or right. The idea was to give us the opportunity to get lost and discover a place we had never been to before.

Not going to lie the coin flipping just made me walk in circles. I ended up taking photos of places that I have seen before. It was a fun lil experiment though.

The first walk I mainly focused on the architecture and clutter that the city provides. Condensing concrete, wood, trees etc. into a single photo is quite contradictive to itself, and I liked the thought of this.

The second walk I was really just pointing and shooting. I started walking in the afternoon and by the time I knew it, it was already night. The progression from day to night time shown below is something that was unexpected and which I quite enjoyed.

Walk 1

Walk 2

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