
Where do you feel at home ?

I want to further explore the idea of home and my connections to my home. I not not see Auckland as home. My home is where my family is, even though my family is far away we are still connected. I am working to find a balance between my family and Auckland. One of the only part of Auckland that I enjoy is the North Shore- Torbay, and I also enjoy the Viaduct. I think this is because they are both by the water, and my whole life I have been close to the ocean.

I also found this morning work extremely helpful as I was in need of a fresh viewpoint on my photos. It also gave me good ideas and concepts for where to go next.

A new idea that I had today was to evolve my ideas of isolation from my family. I plan to cut out human figures from images. This leads me to the idea of being lonely and lonely in a crowd. of people. I next think I will take photos of crowded areas and also cut out figures, showing that even when there are people around they are not always the people I want to be around.

Another idea I want to explore is portraits, I looked into a photographer called Justine Varga and the controversies  it has brought with it.

More ideas:

drawing my family into photos with me.

Sending my family photos and getting them to scratch or draw on them.

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