Artist Research: Carl Andre

Carl Andre was born in 1935 in Quincy, Massachusetts, and is a minimalist sculpture artist. He does work in a range of different scales and places but focuses on ordered linear and grid format sculptures. He uses pretty common industrial materials such as various metals and woods and arranges them in simple geometric patterns.

Andre chooses to place his work on the floor always as opposed to using plinths as a way to make his work become part of the environments instead of something just to look at. Andre is a very controversial figure in the art world due to him being arrested in 1988 for second-degree murder. He was acquitted of all charges related to the murder in the same year. Museums that exhibit his work still are often met with outrage from certain patrons due to this controversial past.

Andre’s work could be looked at throughout this brief as inspiration for using different hard materials such as wood or metal as we have previously been doing. I could also look at his way of laying out his work as a way that I could possibly lay mine out now too.

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