Weight off Your Mind – Wax work & more

So after Wednesday, I decided to take thursday as a day of experimentation and putting my words to action. As I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to take Thursday to work with wax and that is what I did. Unfortunately the wait for the Wet Lab was quite long as it’s a busy time for the art students so I didn’t get to play around too much. All I did was sit the (I believe it’s paraffin) sheet of wax atop the little structure I made the other day and use the heat gun to gently melt the majority of the wax. I was told to ensure not to directly place the heat onto certain parts as it would have a clumpy melt whereas I wanted the wax to melt over the structure like a veil. I believe I did not have enough wax however as when I began to melt the sides after wafting the heat all over, it did fall off. I think for next time, I need to bring in a lot more paraffin wax, make them into solid sheets so that when I place it over the structure, there will be an even melt and it’ll cover more of the structure rather than just the top. Luckily I was able to sort of weld the wax (once it had slightly melted) with my hands over the edges to ensure a more covered look.

Once I had finished playing with the wax, I went over to where I’d last put the ping pong balls. I was happy to find them crushed, clearly a good amount of people had been stepping on them. I gathered up the blue remnants and put them on my table. I had this idea in my head of making the light (ping pong balls) object transform into the heavy. At first, I was going to make a sort of spider web of white thread. I tried by putting pins into the walls and creating that intricate circular shape but despite my efforts, it was pretty difficult to obtain that shape. Initially, I was going to place the ping pong balls in the middle of that web and see if the web would droop under the weight so that suddenly the ping pong balls would be the object of heaviness, despite how crushed they are. However, after some talk, I also want to attempt a version of plaster ping pong balls. That way, they wouldn’t just be a metaphorical heaviness but also a literal one too, Also, it might give me a stronger effect on the web if I manage to pull that together next week. I’m very curious to see where my process takes me next. I never would’ve guessed looking at my entropic graphomania would’ve lead me to this structure. It’s a welcome surprise nevertheless.

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