Week 2 and week 3

First of all i just want to mention how much fun I’m having with this brief. I cant sculpt, I’m not very good at photography but really enjoyed the experimenting with the pinhole camera. But this brief is awesome, i think i found something i really like doing art wise. I really enjoy experimenting with art, I might’ve even gone to far with this as you’ll see later in this blog. But I’ve had a lot of fun so far! I’m not as big a fan of mono-printing, but ink jet or digital printing and scanning is awesome! I’d never done it before, but i also never thought about it. But now the thing is, i want to use the scanner at home, but hopefully I don’t break it with experimenting haha!

I’ll do my best to try out the stuff from week 2 at the start, but there’s no guarantee ill get everything right in order. But i’ll still upload everything I’ve takin photos of and the artists I’ve been shown as inspiration. I’ve also been told words that have greatly inspired me to keep going with this brief. As far as my theme goes, I’m still going with horror, but trying out different sub genres of horror. Such as horror themes relating to religion, and a theme of gore and this awesome word visceral works. Myself and other people in the studio have looked at some of my works or what they’ve been made of and even gagged slightly. So in some sense i may have gone to far without actually using any bodily matter from anything. To make you feel better i’ll tell you now that it mostly consists of food and food ingredients.

First I’m going to show my mono-prints. This print was done by covering a plastic sheet in ink, then i in-scrunched a scrunched up but of tissue and pressed it done onto the plastic sheet with my hands. Than i peeled the tissue off of the plastic sheet and printed it onto paper with the print press. The way the wrinkles of the tissue printed onto the paper looks like it has given it a texture, as if it were tree bark or something similar.
These (not including the nerds, they’re used in the next set of works) are the things i used to scan in the work above.
These were created after i did a scan of the nerds on my kiwi gardener magazine collage (shown in the last blog), sadly i didn‘t take any pictures of those works over the past two weeks. But what i did was grab a piece of tracing paper and trace over the scan with a variety of different pens and pencils. And then i scanned the traced image with a marmite sandwich in a glad bag and one of the many things i have that i reintroduce into my works.
This is the last thing i remember doing in week 2. I Brought in pie bags that I’ve drawn on for material. But i got talked to about these and how they relate to my horror theme and how it makes people feel queasy. This is due to the unhealthy looking grease stains on the pie bags. So i got suggested (thank you by the way Monique) the idea of trying some works that look more visceral. That when people look at them it makes them feel uneasy. So i thought that was a great idea and i used it in the following week.

Week 3

On week three as i mentioned before, I wanted to try make art thats more visceral. This includes stuff such as making my art pusy, bloody, pretty much just grotesque body fluids such as these. I went as far as mixing not just ingredients to make stuff look bloody and pusy (as you’ll see below), but i also mixed food and drink together in glad bags also to make some disgusting concoctions.

During the third week I’ve also moved from my original wall onto a new one closer to the door entering the studio. This is because I’ve been creating so many works that I don’t have enough space to put them all up. So I’m sorry to everyone that has to walk past my wall and look at my newer works. They’re not the prettiest thing to look at, but i think they’re really interesting.

This is my old wall, it doesn’t have any of my newer works on it.

I know that these newer works don’t really work into a palimpsest, but i have plans for them for the upcoming week. So look forward to it 🙂

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