The Final Week

Last week I narrowed my ideas down to family and the fact that my family is not here in Auckland with me. This leads me to print out photos of empty spaces where people “should” be, I then cut out human figures and silhouettes. I also experimented with trying to destroy the photos, I poured bleach, nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol on the photos, unfortunately, this nearly did anything to the photos so I chose to bin this idea.

Today I found photos of my great grandparent on my mum’s side. I deiced that these photos were the perfect example of a family that is not here. I layered the photos of both my great grandparents on top of each other to look as if they were all there together. This idea of being there at a similar time but not the same place was very interesting to me. Also, the fact that their children would end up starting a family together. This leads me to the idea of the butterfly effect “The butterfly effect is an idea that is more commonly used in chaos theory. A small change can make much bigger changes happen; one small incident can have a big impact on the future. “

In terms of presenting my photo/s I was thinking of either sanding down the photos and collecting the shaving and maybe putting them in a bottle or jar.

I then decided to put the photo in a frame and shatter the frame while leaving some of the glass on the photo, therefore you can touch the photo but it is still behind glass. so it will look like a family photo.

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