Week 2 Palimpsest

In week 2, I started to develop my images with varieties of materials.
To begin with, I have faxed out a picture of this image using a fax machine and further developed it by adding different types of paints using a pelt knife to go over the paper with creating a rough, bumpy surface; I have also scratched out the image with a steel wool sponge giving the image more roughness and depth.
The image here is the same one as before but has been expanded and moved around using the fax machine. I have decided to add two more layers of different paper types to this expanded image. The first one being black paper and the other one being transparent paper; I have gone over the black paper with white cork and traced it on a metal grip surface under the studio sink. I scratched the whole paper with the steel wool sponge for the transparent paper to create a rough, smooth surface. When connected with the other to pieces of paper it bursts out a look of a wild and jailed idea as the original image shows a person being surrounded by many people who are injuring him to death. To create that tension and feeling in the image, I experimented with the steel wool sponge, which helped me create a rough, smooth surface for the piece.
With this work, I have created two pieces. The first picture is the central part of the work and the second piece is the background to bring out the first piece of work. The background image that I have created has a smooth, light rough. To generate that surface, I used a metal steel cage surface under the sink in the studio using different types of materials such as the use of various coloured pencils and paints; for the second piece of work, I have used a faxed machine to print out artwork from a book which has a story of angels looking after the civilization of men. To create the feeling of delusion of men thinking that they’re in control and not knowing angels and higher beings existing, I have used the steel sponge to create a rough and smooth surface which is printed into the paper, making an idea of delusion and mess effect between the barriers of heaven and the earth. The first piece relates to heaven and the second piece relates to earth. Before it developed, the second piece of work was a blank piece of paper which I wanted people to see the earth before the humans, and after the humans, we can see the rough surface developing on the blank piece of paper.
I was excited to work with this piece. Again, I have faxed out and expanded the picture from the art-book, which was the angles looking after the humans. To create delusion, I have used water to fade away the colours on the fax paper. The faded effect creates a delusional feeling as the colours disappearing, which makes an idea of truth and lies faded into the human brain. Also, I have used a gardening net fence to hold the piece of work, which also creates a surface drained down by the water then dried to hold in place after. The look of the gardening net face reminds me of a dark age jail gate which creates a prison atmosphere relating that the people are jailed on earth controlled by the higher upper beings, showing the effect of human delusion of power and control.
For the piece of artwork here, I’ve faxed out a paper from an art book, an image of a person being surrounded by people who are injuring and hurting him. With the fax machine, I have extended and widened out the picture. This time I have put the gardening net fence underneath the piece of work and use the steel wool sponge to go over with, creating a rough service which damaged the piece of paper to open up holes which also makes an opening in the piece of faxed paper showing the damaged caused in the artwork to the person being dealt with pain and hurt.

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