A Weight Off Your Mind: Last Day – Display & Reflection

Final Reflection

Overall I am really happy with the final result of all my sculptures. They all flow together successfully through shared materials and tones. I believe my forms all individually convey the relationships and concepts intended.

The filling form I am most relieved about, as it was the one I was concerned about. In regards to the risk of hanging it was the challenge that I carried for the final two weeks. However when it was finally strung up it felt like a weight off my shoulders. The sculpture is perfect as it heavily reflects what I had envisioned it would be. I personally love the patches of the plaster giving the piece some depth compared to a solid wall. And when I added the tissue I could finally see it all coming together. From this sculpture I believe I have reflected the relationship of stuffing and wedging planar materials into tight spaces. Conveying the concept of discarded junk, reminding me that the form mirrored what my tarp looked like during my deep clean.

The stacking form I am most proud of, the weightlessness of it is what I am most pleased about. I love the folds of the plastered fabric and how it appears to be frozen, falling in midair. This sculpture has captured the relationship of stacking with an expansion on the way materials are piled. Although it doesn’t fully mirror my envisioned image I am still proud of the final result as it exceeds my expectations. I believe I have incorporated the concept of discarded rubbish through this form by the draping of tissue and scattered plaster rubble inside the cupping of the fabric.

Finally the stacking and filling form. This piece wasn’t intended to be a statement compared to the two mentioned above. It’s purpose was to fill the wide space between the two and create a bridge between the two. Although it is smaller compared to the rest, it has it’s own unique appeal to it surprisingly. Seeing I took aspects from my filling and stacking forms and combined it together to make this one. One feature that stood out to be was the wrapping of the netting around the string. When seeing this relationship I was reminded of the metal tree barriers located around the CBD. In response I filled the grates with tissue from an observation of a soda can forced in between a metal barrier. In the end I am satisfied with this piece.

If I had more time I would probably extend onto my netting sculpture. By bringing the plaster and tissue down further, and work more on the stacking, maybe bring in colour or completely cover the structure with a sewn blanket of tissue. However, the stacking & filling form I would work on more. Instead of it serving as bridge, I would develop it more to make it its own individual piece. Rather than a filler. But I am happy with the result I have now.

In the end I have had so much fun in this brief. Although it has been challenging and draining, after completing my work and see it take shape made all the tiny cuts and failed experiments worth it. I can definitely see myself working more in sculpture, as I have loved the thrill of creating these large-scale forms.

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