After Atapo

With the steel work I struggled a little bit while trying to come up with ideas and sketches of what to make. I found it a bit difficult to try and draw my idea of a 3D structure onto a piece of paper, so when it came to actually making the structure I found it hard to create a sculpture.

For the next part of the sculpture, adding planar elements to the work, I tried to create a bit of movement in the piece by adding strips of fabricate twisting them around the structure. However, this just added another planar element to the piece. I also tried to play around with a clear sheet because I liked the way the light looked coming off the surface. I made the clear sheet circular to try and create a relationship between the two different materials used.

For my second steel sculpture I had a more clear idea of what kind of structure I wanted to make, however once I got to welding the pieces together, it wouldn’t work for certain angles I was trying to achieve, so I improvised and created a new sculpture from the pieces I ha already manipulated.

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