Art Gallery-Maureen Lander and Mata Aho Collective

I found this work really interesting to look at. I was intrigued by the layering of materials that have been used and how cutting different shapes out of each layer creates an amazing depth that draws you into the work. I found it interesting walking around the piece, looking at how it changes as you see the fabric from different perspectives and when the light hits it differently. I was surprised when I was walking around the piece to find that the layers are made of a mesh material as when you are looking at it from a distance, the colour and the scale of it makes it look very heavy and dense however when you come to lookup close it becomes more delicate and gives a much lighter effect.

I really like the colours and the patterns on this piece. I really liked how the light reflected off it when you walk past. this work also challenged me as the shiny green colour underneath seemed to have a pattern on it and it made me have to look at it for a log period of time to try to understand the patterns and how they are working together to create the overall look of the work.

I found these works really interesting, I really like the unusual shapes and how they made each one a different colour. I also really like the shadows that were being projected onto the wall from the different light angles. These pieces challenged me as I was unsure on what idea the artist was looking at and the colour choices, as I was trying to work out why the artist picked these certain colours for these works.

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