Fraying & Lace

I finished fraying the suspiria print and I love it! I love this way of subtracting things from my work, as I have only been adding or layering. I think it looks really cool how all though thread had been removes, you can still see traces of the ink/paint on the remaining thread.

I love this son much that I want to do it again. I want to try doing it on some lace transfers as I really enjoy the detail of the lace and I think contrasting the beautiful lace with tearing away thread could look really interesting.

I really love how this turned out! I love the imperfections in the lace transfer, such as the little hints of red among the black ink, the blotches of ink and the negative space created from a thread that covered the ink while in the roll press. I also in love with how the frayed edge looks and how they started to behave on their own by wrapping up and dividing themselves. While in the Print Lab I decided to transfer the lace pattern on either side of the calico, giving me the potential to hang up the calico and have people look at the transfers on both sides if I wanted to!

While going through my works, my mary magdalene stitching was upside down and I remember thinking of how I loved the crazy lines of the stitching and want to show it in one of my works. With the lace calico being held up in mind, I want to embroider something onto the calico, so we can see the cool textures and messiness of the back of the stitching.

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