Grapefruit instructions

Instruction: Imagine the clouds dripping. dig a hole in your garden to put them in.

When I read this Grapefruit instruction it made me think about drawings I used to do as a kid, this is whey I decided to Draw this idea in this childlike style. I found the word dripping interesting and I thought that making the clouds drip in this way would be more visually interesting than regular raindrops.

Instruction:When a person hurts you so badly,
Line up 100 panes of glass in
the field and shoot a bullet
through it.
Take a copy of a map made by
the cracks of each glass and
send a map a day for 100 days
to the person who has hurt you.”

For this instruction I decided to focus in on the map made of cracks. I found an old map and drew where I imagined cracks would be if the map did crack. From there I then cut along these lines and made smaller maps which I put together onto a piece of paper to look like glass that has shattered. I have found these tasks challenging as I haven’t been able to clearly visualise what Yoko Ono’s instructions would look like in an art piece.

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