New work

This week I have tried a new technique. I have started layering different coloured paint and carving shapes out of it to create different patterns. I have really enjoyed playing around with this technique and I really like the patterns that come out of it. I have also found that I can use the pieces that I have cut out to make a new work.

Judy Millar is an artist that I have been looking at as I feel as though her work relates to the ideas i’m showing. I really like her use of bright colours and I really like the technique of scraping away layers of paint to reveal new colours and to create interesting patterns. She also looks at scale changes in her work which is a technique that fits in well with this brief.

I have also looked at Rohan Wealleans as his work revolves around the layers of paint that he scrapes into. I also like how he uses very bright contrasting colours that draw your eye into certain points of his works.

I have been looking at artists that work on fabrics as I have been really interested in looking at how different mediums react on different materials. An artist that I have found that shows this idea well is Lara Merrett. She takes large pieces of fabric and dyes them different colours. I would really like to try making works that use this technique.

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