
I really liked experimenting with different materials such as the plaster as I have never used it before and I really liked being able to explore what you can do with it. I also really liked having access to the labs and being able to go down and make your own sculpture out of wood or metal. As the brief was all about showing weight in different ways, I tried to look at juxtaposing the weights of my materials. For example with the laser cut work, I saw the wood as being quite light as it was quite small and thin. I then would juxtapose that with the plaster, making it much larger and more rough looking than the thin wood giving the work as a whole more depth. If I had more time on this brief I would like to experiment more with the lath and plaster walls, I really enjoyed making it and I would have liked to experiment with using colours and making the walls bigger with more intense plaster drips. I would also go back and experiment more with the plaster cardboard pieces and making a work out of them. I found it difficult to go from the sketches into using plaster and wood as I didn’t know what ideas to progress and explore in my work. Overall I was happy with how my work turned out and I enjoyed working with plaster as I have never used It before and I really liked the drip shapes that I made with it.

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