Week 2- Sketches

For this work I was mainly focusing on shapes and what happens to the shapes when you layer and overlap them. I was quite happy with how this work turned out, I like the corrugated cardboard texture and I would like to use more of it in my next works.

In this sketch, I was working on how different materials naturally form. I started ripping up strips of paper and found that they started to curl, I decided to use this and make all of my paper elements circular shaped. I then thought about juxtaposing this idea and having a stronger more geometric shape, I decided that I would do this with thicker cardboard as this doesn’t curl like the thinner paper does. I was happy with the outcome of this work and I would like to do more works that include this idea of juxtaposing geometric and organic.

For this sketch I wanted to use the wire. I found it difficult to get the wire to stay in the right positions to hold up the triangle however I liked how it looked and how I could get interesting curved lines. Overall I wasn’t very happy with the end result of the piece but i would like to continue using wire in more of my future works.

In this work, I was trying to look for different ways to connect pieces together. I like how the circular shapes look together however maybe next time I wouldn’t connect it to the cone shape and play around with more of the connections and how different materials affect it.

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