Interview 6 objects 26/5

Interviewing 6 objects

  • Polar Bear (Baby Squish)
  • Bent Fork
  • Winnie the Pooh Hoodie 
  • Dream Catcher
  • St Cuthbert’s College Leavers Ring
  • Stim Toy

Polar Bear

Just as his name applies, and yes the Polar Bear, Baby Squish uses he/him pronouns, he is very squishy. Baby Squish is also quite soft to touch and has slightly different textures to his bean toes and eyes. He also has a very comforting smell, it’s warm and reminds me of bed. Baby Squish also cannot sit up ‘normally’ and when sitting down naturally one leg plops up and he leans to the side. He also has some discolouration to him, “Used to be white.” he says, and continues, “But since I get cuddled with every day, I’ve lost my white glow and instead wear a cream greyish colour.

Bent Fork 

“I may look damaged and broken, but my owner only eats with me and refuses to eat with any other fork or utensil in the kitchen.” Bent fork then goes on to tell us about the water stains on their body. “The water at WSA is god knows what, but I always seem to have water marks on myself. Even when my owner uses dish soap and scrubs at me!” Bent fork is very shiny and cold to the touch, and if you move your head around the lighting you can see all the little scratches on them and fingerprints. This fork is special to the owner, Bent Fork tells us, “I bring a sense of comfort to my owner so that they can eat, which is important.”

Winnie the Pooh Hoodie

This Winnie the Pooh hoodie was originally owned by someone else but was given to their current owner as a gift. The hoodie was given to the current owner’s girlfriend making this hoodie very special. They used to be fluffy but from age they have become more fuzzy and worn down. The balls that are attached to their heckline have become ratted and matted

Dream Catcher

“I hold all the nightmares and catch all the good dreams for my owner. ” We asked the dreamcatcher about their yellow and purple threading and their beads, and feathers and they told us that they have those to allure the dreams to them, like as a flower is bright and colourful so that the bees will pollinate it.

St Cuthberts’s College Leavers Ring

The ‘By Love Serve’ 2020 engraved ring has significant importance to it’s wearer. A school leavers ring from being at St Cuthbert’s College for 7 years and representing their journey with it. The way it shines from being polished to perfection and the little scratch marks from being worn every single day since getting it.


We couldn’t really tell what the STIM toy was but with their bendy, stretchy, elastic exterior and their marble on the inside we can see how stimulating it would be to play with from it’s owner. The bright green also makes for visual stimulation. The STIM toy told us about how they get taken to every class, every doctor’s appointment and so on and so forth because of their small size and usefulness.

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