Palimpsest week 4 final

Final Presentation

Above shows my final chosen images and layout to show off my images. Originally I had all my progress up in an order but after I had a chat with Ryder he told me to choose my top 5 favourite images and put them up and I decided to put them in chronological order to still show my progression throughout the brief. I am proud of myself during this brief because I have never really done anything like this and was thrown into the deep end but I was able to make some pieces of work I am very proud of. I do believe I could have pushed myself more and used the print lab a little more or do some book binding but I was really enjoying the inkjet printer and was creating a great palimpsest. At the start I really enjoyed the monochrome black and whites within my book pages and expanding through different images and prints onto full colour while still using the book theme ad style throughout my work.

Xavier Antin

Xander is a big inspiration to me although he made it automated I have been doing a similar thing with my work by printing and the re printing over and over with different images on the same paper to changing the colour and layering to create an image I am after. Although I didn’t have access 4 printers I used the one I had access to the best I could to create my palimpsest. I was also drawn to danders art as he used printers from top to bottom in the age that there were made, so the top one is the oldest and the bottom is the newest.

Carrie Pollack

I chose Carrie as an artist to focus on because she uses different forms of matter such as newspaper etc to print and create art onto. This is what inspired me because originally I was printing onto found matter like book pages and I continued to find small pieces of card from books etc to print onto. Carrie did this with her work to allow it to have definition and a depth to the image instead of just printing onto regular paper, in some way it makes it more interesting and articulate and I am wanting to embody that.

May Smith

The reason why I have chosen May as one of my artists to focus on is because she is a textile print artist and uses different material and fabrics to print onto, May is also a New Zealand artist who was apart of a movement of women who were instrumental in bringing new artistic ideas to New Zealand and influencing the art of the country. May has influenced throughout the brief to use different fabrics and materials to print on and I have attempted to print ink onto them and put them through the printer to create images on top.

Vik Muniz

Vik Muniz is one of the artists that inspired me due to the way he uses found matter and different materials to create his pieces of art. I have used found matter in my own work across the palimpsest. I will continue to use Vik as inspiration further into my creative studies as I sed him across this brief.

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