Recovered Pinholes


Creating photos w a paint bucket was interesting. Very precise and hard to get right. Definitely ended up w more fails than successes. These two images of these trees that stack are my favourite pinholes. I love how the light was absorbed differently by the leaves. The pinhole captured the movement in a way.

Final wall

this work has taken many different paths, and been moved around by a few different narratives. Though the visual language has stayed bold. I’ve decided to go with this layout. The big black squares only act as a catalyst to help border and contrast the other pieces. I found it to be the most effective way of utilising the squares for impact. The big pieces are there to capture you, and the smaller pieces are there to be explored once you are in the piece.

The big black blobs leave room to allow your imagination to fill in the gaps. The human figures are ambiguous in the way that it is hard to tell which way they are travelling but they capture a lot of movement, where as the headstones feel very still. The livelier right side almost seems as if it were to fade quicker than the stagnant stone blobs.

These photos have managed to weave them selves into their own narrative.

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