The final step in this journey is taking what I have discovered/uncovered so far to develop my own work.

Final Exhibition Display

Using a disposable camera, I retook the imnages I selected, trying to match the pose and frame closely. Due to the nature of disposables having a disconnected viewfinder, this was tough to achieve but the results were fairly accurate. I’ve printed the new images on transparent film too. Then I’ve layered the original and new so both images can be seen with light behind it. I’ve affixed the top image by only one edge too so that the top image can be pulled back to reveal the one below.

I’m really happy with the double-exposure effect created by the layers. I had intended to experiment with a double exposure method, but decided against it as I only had one chance with the film camera.

Viewing the Exhibition

Each photo set tells it’s own story of change, evolution and legacy.

I’ve noticed something about this particular exhibition space that makes it unique – the sunlight and shadows. I chose the window because the sun moves throughout the day behind it. Different parts of the images are highlighted over time, embodying my focus of change.

I’ve decided to group all my images together within one pane of the window. I feel this closeness represents my family well, as well as mimicking Baker’s family album type display.

NOTE: If you are visiting this exhibition, please feel free to turn the page back to view the photo behind, much like you would with a book. I am inviting you to read the story of my family.

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