
I have really enjoyed this brief, I have liked the structure and how it pushes you to create and not think about how the end work is going to turn out. I have really enjoyed trying new techniques such as carving into layers of paint, making paint skins and working with a range of different materials. I also really liked using the printmaking and bindery labs, I found them very interesting and I would like to go back and work in those facilities more in the future. I think my work engaged well with the brief as I was consistently adding and producing new works that flowed on from one another. I found the third week the hardest as I had a lot of ideas in the first couple of weeks but then I reached a point where I didn’t know what direction I wanted my work to go in. I found that the most helpful thing was to research artists to find people using similar techniques or materials to myself and seeing how they produce their work and what their ideas are. If I had more time on this brief I would work more on the paint skins and thick paint, I would work on making my work to a larger scale. I would also like to go back to the bookbindery and try to put some of my works together into a book as a different way of presenting my work.

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