Uncover – Suburbs

Being from West Auckland originally, I see South Auckland as my second home. I do probably spend more time out south than I do at home, and that’s mainly due to all my friends living out south.

The spots where the photos were taken, were the houses of my friends. I wanted that sense of home present within the images and somewhere the boys felt comfortable being photographed.

After some hard fought persuading, I was able to get my friends on board with letting me snap some photos of them. They weren’t used to having photos taken off them. I asked them “why don’t you like having your photo taken?”, they replied with “Its just not something we’re used too, we’re not that photogenic”. This lil conversation made me want to totally flip the idea of my final presentation.

The colour photos (as shown below) did not come out the way i wanted as i thought it was too bright where the light source was coming from. I played around with different lighting options but nothing was really working. I then thought that a black & white filter might lower the lighting and I could then play around with the contrast, sharpness etc. I ended up taking that path as the colours ultimately tied into the idea of male masculinity issues. 

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